
This API documentation provides a comprehensive guide for interacting with the class management system in Whautomate. This allows you to interact using API and sync classes between multiple systems.

Here's a breakdown of the functionalities offered:

  • Search or Retrieve Classes (GET /v1/classes): This method allows you to find specific classes or retrieve a full list. You can optionally filter the results based on various criteria (e.g., date range, location, instructor).

  • Get Individual Class By Id (GET /v1/classes/{classId}): Use this method to retrieve detailed information about a particular class by providing its unique identifier.

  • Create a New Class (POST /v1/classes): This method enables you to create new classes by specifying details like date, time, location, instructor, service (type of class), and any other relevant information.

  • Update Class (PUT /v1/classes/{classId}): Modify details of an existing class using this method. You can update information like date, time, instructor, or other relevant attributes.

  • Delete Class By Id (DELETE /v1/classes/{classId}): This method allows you to permanently remove a class from the schedule.

  • Get Participants of a Class (GET /v1/classes/{classId}/participants): Retrieve a list of participants enrolled in a specific class by providing its unique identifier.

  • Add Participant to Class (POST /v1/classes/{classId}/participants/add): This method allows you to enroll participants in a specific class.

  • Remove Participant from Class (POST /v1/classes/{classId}/participants/cancel): Use this method to cancel a participant's enrollment from a specific class.

  • Get Class bookings of a Client (GET /v1/classes/clients/{clientId}/bookings): Use this method to get all the classes booked by a particular client using their Id.

By leveraging this API, you can streamline your class management process, ensuring a clear and organized class schedule along with efficient participant management.

Search or retrieve Classes

Get Individual Class By Id

Create a new Class

Update Class

Delete Class By Id

Get Participants of a Class

Add Participant to Class

Remove Participant from Class

Get Class Bookings of Particular Client

Last updated