Request Form - Personalize WhatsApp, Email and SMS template

Whautomate uses these default templates when you request a form to be filled through WhatsApp, Email or SMS. You can customize these default message templates to cater for your needs and branding.

Step 1: Go to the Whautomate app, Select the Settings menu option, and Click the Default Communication Templates option in the Templates section to continue. 👇

Step 2: On this page, you can access all default communication templates. The Request Form WhatsApp, Email, and SMS templates are highlighted. Simply click on the Edit icon to modify the template according to your preferences. 👇

Request Form - WhatsApp Template

Step 1: To edit the WhatsApp template, simply select the "Edit" icon.

Step 2: Select a WhatsApp template message you want to send your client for the request form.

(a) I used the Whautomate whauto_send_client_form(en) WhatsApp default message template which was already created and approved by Meta. If you want to use your own custom WhatsApp message template, So first you need to create a new WhatsApp Message Template, you can select the Create New Template link. This will take us to the template page where we can submit our new template.

(b). When you enter (#) in the Parameter field, a list will pop up. You can choose from the options provided to fill out the parameter details.

Eg: = {{}}, = {{}}, etc.

Available Personalisation Variables:

Client Variables

{{}}, {{client.preferredName}}, {{client.age}}, {{client.gender}}, {{}}, {{}}, {{client.calendarSyncURL}}, {{client.photoURL}}, {{client.address}}, {{client.emergencyRelationType}}, {{client.emergencyContactName}}, {{client.emergencyContactPhone}}

Business Variables

{{}}, {{business.address}}, {{}}, {{business.mapDirectionUrl}}, {{business.operatingHours}}

Form Variables

{{}}, {{form.clientName}}, {{form.status}}, {{form.url}}, {{form.partialUrl}}, {{form.pdf}}, {{form.downloadId}}, {{}}

Step 3: After entering all the necessary information, please click on the "Save" button to save your changes. 👇

Step 4: Now, Create a test client and send yourself a form via WhatsApp to test it. 👇

Request Form - Email Template

Step 1: To edit the Email template, simply select the "Edit" icon.

Step 2: On this page, You can modify the Email Subject and Message template according to your preferences.

Note: Please enter (#) to choose from personalisation variables in the parameters E.g. client name, location name, etc.

Available Personalisation Variables for Email Template Mentioned in the upper section of WhatsApp:

Step 3: After entering all the necessary information for the Email template, please click on the "Save" button to save your changes. 👇

Step 4: Now, Create a test client and send yourself a form via Email to test it. 👇

Request Form - SMS Template

Step 1: To edit the SMS template, simply select the "Edit" icon.

Step 2: On this page, You can modify the SMS Message template according to your preferences.

Note: Before you change the SMS message you must complete your SMS configuration first.

(i) Check this below link on how to Configure SMS for customized outgoing SMS 👇

Email/SMS Sender Configuration

India: When you change SMS templates, it needs to be submitted for DLT Approval. For any support or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

👉 Please reach out to our support team at this email if you need any help.

Step 3: After entering all the necessary information for the SMS template, please click on the "Save" button to save your changes. 👇

Last updated