Update Payment Method

Managing your payment method in Whautomate is essential for ensuring uninterrupted service and convenient billing.

This guide will walk you through the steps to update and manage your payment method within your Whautomate account.

Add, Remove, or Update a payment method

  1. Go to the Whautomate app, Select the Settings menu option, and Click the "Manage Subscription" option in the General section to continue. 👇

  1. Within the Manage Subscription settings, you'll find the Update Payment Method option.

  2. Click the "Update Payment Method" button to continue.

Add a payment method

  1. Click the "Add New" button to add your new payment.

If you add a payment method for the first time, you must enter your business information and payment card details.

  1. Next, find the section to enter your payment card details

  2. Enter the card number, expiration date, and CVV (security code), Click the "Add" button.

  1. If you have added two card payment methods you can set one as the Primary and the other one as a Backup and Click the "Update" button

Set up automatic payments with two card payment methods - one as Primary and the other as Backup. The primary is charged for all payments, and Backup will be charged if the Primary payment method fails.

Update your payment method

  1. To update your payment card details, please select your primary payment method.

  1. Select the "Edit Payment Method" option to continue.

  1. Next, find the section to update your payment card details

  2. Enter the card number, expiration date, and CVV (security code), Click the "Update" button to save your new card. 👇

Remove a payment method

To remove a payment method from your Whautomate account, add another one first. Having only one payment method linked to your account, you won't be able to remove it.

  1. Select the payment method you want to remove.

If you are attempting to remove a payment method marked as your Primary payment method, you will not be able to do so. To remove the primary payment method, you will need to choose a different payment method to be your Primary payment method, and then you will be able to remove the non-primary payment method.

  1. Select the "Remove Payment Method" option to proceed with removing the payment method.

  1. Click the "Confirm" button to finalize the removal of the payment method. 👇

By following these steps, you can successfully update the payment method from your Whautomate account. If you have any questions or encounter issues during this process, please contact our support team for assistance. We're here to help you manage your payment settings effectively.

Last updated