Outgoing Telegram Messages

This rule gets triggered when a Telegram message is sent



Outgoing Message

includes any, does not include all, is a valid date, is not a valid date, matches regex pattern, does not match regex pattern, equals, not equals

Message Type

is part of all, is part of any, is not part of all

Message Sender

equals, not equals

Telegram Chat Type

is part of all, is part of any, is not part of all

Message sent time

is between, is on, is before, is after, is less than X period ago (past), is more than X period ago (past)

Contact Group

is part of all, is part of any, is not part of all

Contact Tags

includes any, does not include all

Contact Stage

equals, not equals



Notify Staffs via WhatsApp

Sends a WhatsApp template message to Staffs based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to send notifications to staffs.

Add the Contact to Group

Adds a contact to a group based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used in conditions to identify contacts in subsequent rules.

Remove the Contact from Group

Removes contact from a group based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to make sure, the same rule does not execute multiple times in a flow.

Add Contact Tags

Adds tags to contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to segment contacts.

Remove Contact Tags

Removes tags from a contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to remove a contact from a segment.

Update Contact Stage

Updates a contact stage. This helps you differentiate which stage a contact is at on a lead nurturing customer journey.

Assign chat to unassigned queue

Assigns the chat to an unassigned queue for staffs to take action. This can be used in a Bot to Human transfer of the chat.

Auto Close Conversation

Closes the conversation automatically so the bot takes over the conversation the next time person messages.

Assign chat to Staff

Assigns the chat to a staff to take action. This can be used to set a default assignee for action on a Bot to Human transfer of the chat.

Clear AI Conversation History

Clears the AI conversation history. AI won't have the context of previous conversations.

Send Telegram Text Message

Sends a Telegram text message to the contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to send replies to a contact when there is an active session.

Send Telegram Template Message

Sends a Telegram message with buttons to the contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to send interactive messages to a contact when there is an active session.

send Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

This action sends a Customer Satisfaction Survey to measure your business performance and customer satisfaction.

send Telegram media

Sends a Telegram media message to the contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule.

send Telegram audio

Sends a Telegram audio message to the contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule.

Webhooks by Whautomate

Send custom webhook payloads to external applications via RESTful endpoints.

Last updated