WhatsApp Chat Widget

Free WhatsApp widget for websites and applications

You can add a WhatsApp widget like below for free from Whautomate:


  • Copy the code block below

  • Make the necessary modifications to the fields as necessary

    • action

    • name

    • division

    • photo

    • introduction

    • defaultMessage

    • buttonText

  • Add the code to the end of body tag to pages of your preference or footer of your website to add it to all pages.

Reach out to us at support@whautomate.com for any further assistance or issues.

    <form id="general-support" class="wa-widget" action="6593505083" data-chat="general-support"></form>
    <script src="https://widget.whautomate.com/js/whatsapp-widget.min.js"></script>
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0];
        var link = document.createElement('link');
        link.rel = 'stylesheet';
        link.type = 'text/css';
        link.href = 'https://widget.whautomate.com/css/whatsapp-widget.min.css';
        var generalSupport = new WhatsAppWidget(document.getElementById('general-support'), {
            name: 'Whautomate',
            division: 'typically replies within few minutes',
            introduction: 'Welcome to Whautomate. How can I help you today?',
            defaultMessage: 'Hello there!',
            buttonText: 'Start chat'

Last updated