When a Client is assigned a Form

This rule gets triggered when a form is assigned to a Client



Client Tags

includes any, does not include all

Contact Group

is part of all, is part of any, is not part of all

Form Template

is part of all, is part of any, is not part of all

Contact Tags

includes any, does not include all

Contact Stage

equals, not equals



Send Email

Sends email to the list configured based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to send custom emails to clients, staffs and other custom email lists.

Notify Staffs via WhatsApp

Sends a WhatsApp template message to Staffs based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to send notifications to staffs.

send a WhatsApp template message

Sends a WhatsApp template message based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule.

send Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

This action sends a Customer Satisfaction Survey to measure your business performance and customer satisfaction.

Add the Contact to Group

Adds a contact to a group based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule.

Remove the Contact from Group

Removes contact from a group based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to make sure, the same rule does not execute multiple times in a flow.

Add Client Tags

Add tags the client based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used in conditions to segment clients in subsequent rules.

Remove Client Tags

Remove tags from client based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to remove client from a segment.

Add Contact Tags

Adds tags to contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to segment contacts.

Remove Contact Tags

Removes tags from a contact based on the conditions and trigger setup in the rule. This can be used to remove a contact from a segment.

Update Contact Stage

Updates a contact stage. This helps you differentiate which stage a contact is at on a lead nurturing customer journey.

Mark the form as sent

Updates the form status to sent.

Add Text Client Notes

Easily add and save textual notes for client interactions and details.

Add Document Client Notes

Attach and store documents as notes for client records and communications.

Add or Update Client Custom Attributes

Easily manage your client information by adding or updating custom attributes directly within your workflow.

Last updated