CSAT Score

Measure your Customer Satisfaction score using Whautomate across popular communication channels like WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and Messenger.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is a vital metric that measures how satisfied customers are with your products or services. This key performance indicator (KPI) is essential for tracking customer sentiment and gauging overall satisfaction levels. You can view the Rating collected at the end of each conversation journey under the "CSAT Score" menu section within the Reports menu.

How CSAT Score Calculated?

Eg. The calculation of the CSAT Score for an Agent is determined by the following formula: 👇

How to Collect CSAT Survey?

To begin, setup the CSAT score automation for your business. You can gather CSAT Scores across your chosen channels, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram, and Live Chat, through surveys you customize for various aspects such as Appointments, Agents, Bots, Orders, and Customer Experience.

CSAT Survey Use Cases

Here are some use cases for implementing CSAT surveys 👇


Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys in appointment:

  • Booking Process Satisfaction

  • Appointment Availability and Scheduling

  • Confirmation and Reminder System

  • Cancellations and Rescheduling

  • Wait Time and Punctuality

  • Communication and Notifications

  • User Support and Assistance

  • Feedback on Service Providers

  • Post-Appointment Feedback

  • Location/Home Visit Experience

  • Virtual/Online Session Experience

Class Booking

Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys in class booking:

  • Booking Process Satisfaction

  • Ease of Navigation

  • Availability and Variety of Classes

  • Notification and Confirmation Process

  • Cancellation and Refund Process

  • Instructor Performance

  • Facility and Equipment Satisfaction

  • Membership and Loyalty Programs

  • User Support and Assistance

  • Post-Class Feedback


Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys for Agents:

  • Customer Interaction Satisfaction

  • Issue Resolution

  • Technical Assistance Satisfaction

  • Timeliness of Response

  • Empathy and Understanding

  • Follow-Up and Closure

  • Multi-Channel Consistency

  • Language and Communication Clarity

  • Customer Feedback Handling


Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys for Bot:

  • User Interaction Satisfaction

  • Problem Resolution

  • Accuracy of Information

  • Handling User Queries and Requests

  • User Engagement and Interactivity

  • Personalization and User Context

  • Feedback Handling

  • Escalation to Human Agents

  • Consistency in Responses


Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys in the context of order fulfillment:

  • Order Placement Experience

  • Product Availability and Information

  • Order Confirmation and Communication

  • Shipping and Delivery Experience

  • Product Quality and Condition

  • Return and Refund Process

  • Customer Support for Order Inquiries

  • Customization and Personalization

  • Promotions and Discounts

  • Post-Purchase Support

  • Packaging Satisfaction

  • Order Tracking Experience

Customer Experience

Here are several use cases for using CSAT surveys to measure and enhance customer experience across various touchpoints:

  • Website/User Interface Experience

  • Product or Service Interaction

  • Customer Support Interaction

  • Billing and Payment Experience

  • Loyalty Programs and Rewards

  • In-Store Experience (if applicable)

  • Post-Purchase Follow-Up

  • Feedback Handling and Implementation

How to Create a CSAT Survey?

Eg. Post Appointment CSAT Survey

Step 1: Go to the Whautomate app, Select the Automation menu option, Click the Add Rule button, and then select the Create Rule From Scratch option to continue.

Step 2: Select the Trigger Appointment Updates option.

Step 3: To add conditions, simply click on the "Add Condition" button.

Step 4: Setup Condition

(i) Choose the condition Field option like "Appointment Status"

(ii) Choose the condition Operator option like "equals"

(iii) Choose the condition Status option like: "Visited"

Step 5: Select a send Action type as the send Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) option 👇

(i) Select the Survey option as Appointment

(ii) Please select your preferred communication channel for collecting the survey. (Eg. WhatsApp)

Note: Please ensure that there are buttons available for users to select ratings ranging from 1 to 5. These ratings will be used to calculate CSAT scores on the reports.

(iii) Select the Add Wait & Schedule Time button so you can setup this survey wait time and Schedule a specific time to send this survey

Eg. This survey will be sent 1 Day after the appointment visit and at 09:00 AM 👇

(iv) Select the message template whauto_customer_satisfaction_survey(en)

I used the Whautomate whauto_customer_satisfaction_survey(en) WhatsApp default message template which was already created and approved by Meta. If you want to use your own custom WhatsApp message template, So first you need to create a new WhatsApp Message Template, you can select the Create New Template link. This will take us to the template page where we can submit our new template.

Check this below link on how to create WhatsApp message templates 👇

WhatsApp Message Templates

Step 6: After filling in all the details Click the Save button 👇

Step 7: Now, Book an appointment for yourself and mark it as Visited to test. 👇

How to check CSAT Score?

Step 1: Select the "CSAT Score" menu option within the Reports menu section. 👇

Step 2: Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Reports:

Customize your view by filtering communication channels, surveys, and date ranges. Once configured, click the "Run Report" button to generate insights into Customer Satisfaction Scores (%), Ratings on a scale of (1-5), Number of Responses, Customer Lists, and Rating Details

Eg. Select WhatsApp as the channel and Appointment as the survey. Click Run Report. 👇

Last updated